Article voiceover
Nothing can explain it: This impulse and its antipode. That bids me both to stay and go, And rips a hole into my skull, To fill it with a dither-full Of heated hesitation. Set to spark the fuel, That heats our hearth; Aglow in golden sacrifice, To the gods of solitude. Whose embers of afflatus, Float and quench in our corona, And descend to rest as ash upon the stone; Cold and haunting to the wanting soul, That yearns to be alone. Oh alone! In quiet perch along a street, To trace the living beats, That seethe beneath my bones. And pick and pound, To be revealed with trowel and brush From out the page; Scraped as if uncovered from their sleep. So deep and dormant in our home, Of warm and loving, gentle form, And yet, does nothing to atone For all the unimagined, unforeseen, I know was left undone. And I am stood here; Still and waiting, Sifting novel thoughts, That trickle through Our days and nights, This beating life, Renewed in every moment, Spent and lost. And nothing can explain it, Not at all; Not the swollen brain, Nor the fluttered heart, Nor the heaving urge that generates A burning potent from within; Expelled in surges that convulse, And purge the charge at once. Until again it can begin, in earnest, Rising as a wisp, From out the smoulder of our furnace. Thinking of all that I could do. And oh, if I could not be here for you. Nothing can explain it.
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This is the third season of Notes and Noises. If you liked this (or didn’t) why not take a quick look at some of the other posts in the series:
Just got to listen there. Great read David, of a beautiful poem, could be from days and days gone by. Has a classic feel to it. I can feel the words. How they are meant, in the read, it lends meaning... .
Great read from beginning to end. Gripping with the descriptions and the phrasing makes it stronger. My absolute favorite line that made me re-read it over and over because of how much I liked it was:
"Aglow in golden sacrifice,
To the gods of solitude."
Mystical and beautifully poetic. The G sounds weren't something I noticed on the first read along with the S words. Very clever form that made me go over the whole poem with a different set of eyes from my first read. Amazing.