In the darkness that surrounds us, the downpour is a rattle in reverse, where rain bounces off the black glass like corn popping in the pot, and glistening drops coagulate on the pane before collapsing in combination toward the windows edge; doubling and doubling again into a puddle on the ledge.
For all we know - a moat has formed in the inundation; swelling to surround us in our refuge. Or perhaps the very floor beneath us is afloat, shifting and bobbing in the torrent as the spinning stars swing by like the tungsten glow from a carnival carousel - for all we know…
…and we know very little. Watching the bombardment play out on our dark reflection. A chiaroscuro drama in which our speckled shadows are cast by a light that reveals nothing; this glass night is a finger trap that gives less and less the more it shines.
And yet, beyond this black mirror the world howls and storms. A perverse opposite that reacts to exact a replica in reverse. An inaccessible alternate reality in which some other man watches from the rain and wind; trapped within his kitchen with the cat - getting wet.
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Read more from Season 1…
This is the first season of Notes and Noises. If you liked this (or didn’t) why not take a quick look at some of the other posts in the series: