Thanks for the read, David! I’ve never laid eyes on the Irish Sea but now I feel well acquainted. It seems familiar, much like the coastal areas of Nova Scotia that surround me.

You are indeed a man of many talents. Your techno grooves are put together well. I used to (and still do occasionally) spin techno on vinyl. You’re making my bones feel that signature quiver. Those beats and counterpoints were unique and enjoyable. Reminds me why I love that type of music.

Loved the poem and photos, too. This post had everything!! Keep it coming.

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Thanks Jeff, always time for a bot if techno to cleanse the soul and get the body moving 😅

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"Throbbing bloats of deepest blue

Lift all afloat to crest and curve

In anchored arches;"

Thanks for vivid images and insistant soundtrack.

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Thank you for the comment and support. ❤️

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by David Donoghue

Wow, absolutely loved this post. What a deep and artistic look back into your past and how deeply connected you were to the ecosystem there. Incredible. You are a VERY multitalented artist, and I'm kind of in awe. Your words about how you wrote the music were so intriguing, riding the line between calculation and emotion. Brilliant.

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Thanks so much Mike! Yep I've worn a few hats over the years and still enjoy a bit of it all. Right now i've invested most in my writing because of work/family/living demands. Writing is just the most accessible and while Ive always done it, it is the act of publishing that really generates the motivation and keeps me going. So maybe as I've gotten my feet under me I can get my other interests integrated a bit more now too. Will see how it goes, it just takes time.

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Jan 18Liked by David Donoghue

Very inspiring! I often say how what I really want to make is music, and poetry is basically music I can make with words and whitespace alone, right on my phone. So I think it makes sense to find the medium(s) that life allows for. When our littles are older, we'll have more time for more involved artistic processes. That said, I'm psyched about performing 2 original rap songs sometime soon. You give me courage.

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Amazing. That is cool to know and I saw your recent note freestyle, that was great. Such incredible talent to discover on here. Be courageous.

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Jan 18Liked by David Donoghue

Ha! Thank you...as a disclaimer though, what I posted was an excerpt from a longer poem that has indeed been edited. It did start as a freestyle (don't all poems? for me it often feels so)...but after editing, it becomes more like a description of how it feels to freestyle, and in that case, to feel compelled to do so, like living in a vortex of words and rhymes. It's fun but sometimes it gets overwhelming, ha. Writing is the best antidote.

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Jan 18Liked by David Donoghue

'While frothed white lifts off

In specs of salted dust,

To drift a mirrored sea'

Really lovely words David.

I'm equally drawn to the coastline. Great mix of photography, beats and words in this post. I'm slightly fascinated with these media formats - the sound, the sights and the words - combining into an evocative mosaic, like a 3D feeling.

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Thanks so much. Yes i've got an interest in a few things and i dont often get the chance to bring them together around a theme like this, so it was an interesting experiment for me too.

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Keep on creating!

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Will do! 🫡

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Hola , Excelente Narración , Bellas Fotografías , Fascinante Poema Y Fantástica Música. Un Saludo.

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Thank you! I am translating with a guess but all of those words look extremely positive. 😃

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Jan 18Liked by David Donoghue

A beautiful introduction to Dublin Bay and loved reading this.

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Thank you so much. A different type of post for me so its great to get that feedback. I really appreciate it!

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You are very welcome. It was a treat to read.

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