Jun 6Liked by David Donoghue


So much in this David, so many beautiful lines. I'm so impressed. The audio is a brilliant accompaniment.

Thanks for this walk home. (I've it earmarked to listen again later!)

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Thanks so much! I've been super nervous about this one as it naturally took a longer amount of time to write and I wondered if it was worth it or was just rambling. To finally have it out in the open and some positive vibes is a relief to say the least 😅

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Jun 6Liked by David Donoghue

I grew up by the sea in Kerry so am feeling a bit teary and homesick after listening. This is so so rich, an amazing piece. Really appreciate the audio, I struggle with all the reading on Substack.

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Wow thanks, Treasa! Delighted to hear you opted for the audio I did feel that as it was much longer it needed something to make it more approachable - I am still not super happy with how I recite my writing and I want to up my game there a bit but I do think that will only come with practice.

As ever, thanks so much for the comment!!

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Jun 7Liked by David Donoghue

The recitation is well done. Listening again now. The dialect, of course, is a fine addition :) (50% Irish so I know of what I speak)

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Well, I am happy to hear that Rena! Adding audio recordings has certainly been a real interesting addition and I hope to keep it up going forward.

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Jun 6Liked by David Donoghue

Gorgeous! Of course you're Irish :)

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Jun 6Liked by David Donoghue

Wow, this is superbly written and read. So incredibly evocative and detailed in its verbal painting. When people say that descriptive prose is boring, this piece ought to change their mind real quick.

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Goodness. So many beautiful lines, the rhythm meeting the rhythm of a day, of individual lives, our collective life. As I read I found myself thinking of the relevance of so many lines in a different context - memories of my daughter as a toddler at the beach, the heartbreak and relentlessness of world events, the lessons in living each day, each moment, on this earth. This line especially struck me: "And there is no structure in that boundless temporary space; a canvas drawn and redrawn with every breath of the tide." Really beautiful, David.

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Thank you so much Sarah!

The day when this piece kicked off in my head we passed by the strand and saw all these people slowly walking in different directions. It was so peculiar to think there were no rules for them, no particular direction or path, just like the gravity in outer space was switched off and the planets were left to just go wherever, like marbles on a sheet of glass.

So that one specific idea which this line is about is what actually got me going on the whole piece.

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You really reflected that observation of all of those people in a way that centers this piece. And centers it in a way that allows the reader to wander out beyond the words and then return. Really so good.

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Jun 6Liked by David Donoghue

What a beautiful way to begin my day.

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Thanks so much for reading Gayle.. delighted it kicked your day off so well. Bit unsure how this one will land and what to expect.. quite a bit longer than im used to.

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G O R G E O U S!!!!!

How interesting, that the city is the sea's witness and vice versa. Complete opposite energies, bearing witness to one another, day in and day out. I wonder if they've found a quiet peace, a truce, between them, agreed to disagree on the flow of life. Does each keep a list of potential "customers" to be stolen from the other, but as of yet oblivious?

Thanks for sharing!! XO

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Thanks for reading Danielle! Yes all good questions, it is definitely a fascinating relationship, give and take. Thanks so much for reaching out.

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